Lifestyle & Fitness search

Lifestyle & Fitness blog

Use this search engine if healthy lifestyle and certain fitness level of your partner are the most important characteristics for you

  • For the best search results select 8-10 key questions, but no more than 12 for each search
  • You can try various combinations of questions to find a partner you are looking for
  • Your search will not work if you select more than 12 questions!!
  • To modify your search after you review all the profiles from your search result, click on the link "Modify search" in the right upper corner.
  • To view your search results in a "Gallery view" click on the link "Gallery view" in the right upper corner.

TIPS for the best search results:

  • Select country - Czech Republic - to pick a specific region where you are looking for your partner.
  • Do not select specific city unless you live in a large city like Prague- your search results will be very limited.
  • Select all the options within each question that you are willing to accept – make your final decisions when you read the complete profiles.
  • If your search does not return any profiles, that means that no profile meets your search criteria. Modify your search settings & try again.

By clicking start my search, you acknowledge that you have read and will follow the above guidelines


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